ESSENTIALS of Appreciative
of the first seven chapters of the
Appreciative Inquiry Handbook, 2nd.
Edition, this shortened version is aimed
at academicians, students and workshop leaders.
The book covers the theoretical background and
core elements of the “AI” process. In addition,
it offers six “mini-lectures” which succinctly
introduce adherents to the process of AI.
Part 1 Essential
Elements of Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
Chapter 1: The
Theoretical Basis of Appreciative Inquiry
Chapter 2: The Appreciative Inquiry Process: How
it Works
Chapter 3:
Introducing, Defining, and Planning an
Inquiry Initiative
Part 2 Application
of the 4-D Cycle of Appreciative Inquiry
Chapter 4:
Discovery: What Gives Life?
Chapter 5: Dream:
What Might Be ?
Chapter 6: Design:
How Can It Be?
Chapter 7:
Destiny: What Will Be.